“The Unexpected Can Happen to Anyone. Don’t Let Your Business Suffer Because Of It!”


file0002142667570 smallA business continuation plan helps ensure a business can survive and continue to operating despite setbacks and disasters. A thorough business continuation plan will protect shareholders, partners, employees, customers and vendors against a variety of business threats. Examples include the death or disability of an owner or partner; the death or disability of a key employee. The solution frequently involves the use of various types of insurance to provide large cash payments as a hedge against these various risks. In some instances, the term “continuation plan” can refer to a non-qualified deferred compensation plan, typically involving permanent life insurance for executives.

Three Great Reasons To Consider a Plan for Business Continuation

  1. Have a plan in case a key member of your team becomes disabled or dies!

  2. There are a variety of insurance options that can protect you, your partners, shareholders, and employees against all eventualities.

  3. Make sure that your buy/sell agreement is properly structured and properly funded.
